Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Whatever it is I think I see...Becomes a Tootsie Roll to me!

My tummy hurts. Could it possibly be the 904+ Tootsie rolls I just ate? I normally don't have bulk quantity's hanging around. But today my Big Boy son and I had to get ready for a school party tomorrow. So now I must eat all of the remaining  tootsie rolls before someone else does! 
This morning my Big Boy and I went to daily mass. He loves to get out of the house just he and I. He did everything the priest did during mass. I always try to point out the Eucharist to my kids. I make sure they know "Jesus is in the house!" Today, I asked my BigBoy " Did you feel Jesus in your heart?" He said "No, I didn't, but I did feel that big bump" At least he felt something :)
Talk about that super kid that survived the plane crash out of 103 people. Check the odds on that one. I cant imagine what that 10 year old's life will be like. Not only surviving the crash, more than likely lost family members, but being the only survivor. My whole life would be ......Why did I survive? I'd better do something special? I am just amazed by this story and the life a head of this little one.
I will be giving a speech today about being a "superwomen" Women who work and have kids. The theme is "you can have it all" I really don't believe it. I do feel I have the best job a mother can have. But, I am constantly feeling guilt for not being with my kids. I am always stressed about the success of my business. Stressed about not being with my kids.Stressed about people who drop their stress off to me to dry clean. Ugh! My kids are already 2, 2 and 4. Its so speed of light fast. Advice- Give yourself a darn break. You are doing your best. Be with your babies as much as you can. Know that you are working to provide college and lots of toys. BTW- AWAG- I am the worstest grammor people ever. I hates the spelling and was no newspaper edittoring lover. Sorry to you. Hope you like the blog. Go to church.