Your expected programming- Lash Extravaganza- will be shown next week..... Sorry for the change. :)
I am sure you've hit the tab above "next blog" . 85% of blogs seem to be momz talking about their kids poop or missing teeth. I adore my children. But they adore their privacy. I will keep them under the blanket (thanks Micheal Jackson). Another 8% is the extreme holy roller type.3% is stuff I like and actually pertains to me.... Then there is the wackiest scariest craziest extreme weirdness of the world. I am sheltered for real. I totally admit it. I was shocked to see a blog about an atheist mom.... I know get over it. What was disheartening was the SEVERAL blogs about death and wanting to die. OUCH!
Worse... these are everyday people I am sure I live my life around. Its not that I don't want to be around them. People aren't their true selves in the "real world" Shall I say FAKE?Maybe we don't see the hurt, anguish, distrust in the everyday run of the mill human encounter. Too occupied with our own junk. But, in the blog world, its whale wide mouth open for everyone to peer into. I will try to be more mindful, understand that people I encounter maybe hiding a loony bin person underneath. Also, I more aware of the hurt the other may be experiencing.
What is the kookiest weirdest blog you have encountered? Any frightening? Am I weired for being weirded out? That is a positive.
Side note, Brettdushinmeankisslove Michaels, is doing great. My bud Jet said that maybe he will put me on his bucket list. :)