Yesterday, I went to the all-American mother's store Wally World. Bought shampoo that came with a sample of the new Elnite hairspray. No wonder they are giving it away for free. It is awful. Doesn't hold anything up. Smells like my grandma's hairspray (kisses) NOT WORTH $14. I will stick with my lovely smelling, bump keep upper, Pureology hairspray. I did have to take a small loan out to buy it though. What ev. Its only money.gag.
I have decided with out a doubt, to make my way over to the organic food life. Maybe I am a bad mom because I haven't already done so. Most of the hesitation is not knowing enough about what you are buying and should buy. I hate the chemicals in our food today. I HATE feeding that crud to my precious babies. So, slowly but Aunt Shirley, I will get there. I am hoping this will change our family's health.
Not much to report. My customers don't even show up for appointments to tell me disgusting stories like you Awag. I love those that I stay late for and they dont show. Real nice.
I don't understand over spenders. I save. I save like a baseball player on third.But I spend too. I just cant get over the big screens, big cars, big everythings that people have. It all results in BIG debt and little retirements. Get your elephants in a row. Do what you are supposed to do. Over it. Word.