I didn't know what I was missing until I saw you. You are everything I ever wanted.So warm and inviting. You just do everything for me. You open the doors for me, so I wont get tired. You love my children so much, you even make sure they are entertained with a DVD. You welcome any friends over with" Hey, I've got an extra seat here!" You play any music I want. You even found the Catholic Radio station for me. And, boy can you move! Like butta.
Ah yes my friends, I am the proud new owner/convert of a Toyota Sienna. I have not enjoyed a vehicle since my 98 Pontiac Firebird 6 speed in college( those were the days). But now my excitement lies in the Sienna. The kids love it, the hubby loves it, I adore it. Blue tooth baby. I am so cool now. Worth every stinkn penny. I am certain it drives better than any Bmw or Mercedes. In fact, I am renaming it "Mom's Mercedes". Although, I strongly dislike the process of haggling, it all worked out. I feel like we got a great deal. Very happy. Thank you God for the opportunity to have this for my family.
Lately, I've been feeling like I am always yelling at my kidlets. They all have tons of energy and always want what the other has. The are smart enough to know what will make the other mad or upset. Half of the time, I do not see the crimes committed, but I can hear the aftermath. Trying to decided whom to punish is so hard. As I have struggled with this, so many tidbits have come my way. Mass this Sunday was all about discipline ( the actual mass that I heard, we sit in the cry room so, we can only catch bits) Did you ever notice that Disciples comes from the word discipline. I never noticed it before. How dense. For the most part, discipline is the art of making someone a better them. The example I heard on Catholic Radio was about a boy who is a concert pianist. He was disciplined enough to practice 8 hours a day to be the best. As parents, our ultimate job is to raise our children to be saints. Literally. You cannot do that without guiding children to be better. I need to stop looking at discipline as a mean action toward my children. Instead, more as a means to help them be the best they can be at life. We all need to have more control over ourselves and our actions. Again, discipline. Although I feel like I am always "guiding" my children, they need it. They don't have a clue. They need help with the rules of life. That is why I have become so in love with my faith. I want to be the best teacher for my children. But who is to guide me on that journey? The big G-O-D.
BTW, the organic movement is full swing in my house hold. Coming soon ....much better feed for the kids. Most def will include a weekly meal plan. I have found the greatest organic fruit snacks. They are made by Annie's and they are little bunny shaped. Very yummy. Target carries them and they are on sale right now.
Love it.
How you have a great evening. We will be taking the boys to try karate class. Need to work on spending some of that energy and building self discipline. I hope they enjoy it. God Bless!