Thursday, July 8, 2010


I keep telling myself...99% percent of what I am doing now will not matter in 99years. Point? What will matter is the relationship that I have with God.  One of the commandments is (in a nut shell) " Do not worship false Gods"  I received this today  via a daily scripture reading ( these aren't my own words) 

"We may not worship false gods like the people of Old Testament times but our false gods today include education, job status and success, power, an abundance of wealth in terms of our homes, cars, vacations, and the like, and even our own children. For instance, a child's Sunday sports schedule is more sacred than the Sunday Mass schedule. Because you are on vacation does not remove the obligation to celebrate Sunday Mass. "


Wow. I tell myself everyday nothing is more important than my relationship with God. But doing is another story. I am recommitting myself to daily mass and adoration. I am making a more structured prayer and faith life for my children. We never ever miss weekend mass. But that is the minimum. My intentions are always to go to daily mass. But so much (nothingness) gets in the way. Dah!  I know better, the more time I give to God, the better my life will be.

In other news, this might be boring..... How to freeze your credit.... Yes, boring, but essential. You might see those companies out there like Life Lock that charge millions to protect your identity. I did it myself and my hubby for $30, with all 3 credit bureaus. It works. My mom is in the banking industry. She tried to run my credit. BAM!  NA NA. Lock down. I have a code to remove the lock on it. But  no one else can access my credit or steal me, without me knowing. Doing this also cut down on preapproved credit card offers. This is the link that will give you step by step instructions....

Ok, enough being mom to the Internet abyss today. WORD>


Queen B said...

Such great perspective. I was just reading in my devotional this morning that our time spent with God is so supremely precious that we can get mixed up and think of it as a luxury that we don't have time for rather that an essential part of our daily being. We allow so much to get in the way of our time with God. Yet, its also an unseen spiritual battle waging around us for our souls....and trying to keep us distracted from God. Keep up the good work, JM!

Just ME said...

Queen B,

I like you! Thanks for understanding what I was saying! I know this is a battle I will be working on forever. But, I guess thats why we are here. To grow in to God's grace. Love it...Love your blog :)

Queen B said...

Feel free to erase my comment here, but just had to let you know that your comment about NaPro has sparked my independent review of their science (it had been a few years for me). Their stuff is great, and I can't wait to work with it more in residency. Two great websites to check out for more information:
Will probably post on it soon, but had to let you know you helped me brush up :)