I thought I would include a few rare pictures of myself the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Better late than never. Right?
As you can tell, I have gained a HORRID amount of weight this pregnancy. I think I even weigh more than when I had the twins. I pray that I can get back to a decent weight after this bundle of boy. I am assuming this boy is at least the size of a small toddler anyway. I have really let lose during this pregnancy. You know, the SEE FOOD diet. I am so embarrassed. You can just SEE the look in others eyes when they see me. Just like it would be if you saw Marshmallow Man cruising down Main Street. All kidding aside, this is all worth it. All I want is this boy to be so healthy, but we will take him no matter what!
My kids and I have been attending vacation bible school at our church. It has been incredibly awesome. I am so proud of how much my kids are learning and how willing they are to learn. My oldest son is really putting me to shame. He is LIVING the way I should be living. Such a faithful little boy. If I don't step up my game soon, he will begin to think he should start slacking too. Girlfriend needs to step it up. Should be easier since New Kids on The Block are reuniting. "Step by Step OHHHH BABYA"
With my ever expanding belly. My daughter is just brimming with excitement over her new brother to be. She asked me yesterday " Mommy, when I have my own babies will I still be a daughter?" I answered " Of course, you will be a daughter, wife, sister, and mother" Then she replied " If I don't like my baby can I give it to you?" OH MY! Really. This is the thought of a soon to be 4 year old. Wow. I replied that she will love her baby just as much as I love her and her brothers. God would pick out the perfect baby for her. I also made a point to tell her all of the different ways Mommy's become mothers. I explained adoption to her. It is so important for her to know that she can be a mommy even if she can't carry a baby. Obviously, we don't know that now. But, a casual mention can't hurt. It might spare her feelings in the future. I don't know. BTW, not looking forward to the questions from her teenage years AT ALL!
I hope you all have a VERY SAFE 4th. We hope to go to a pool party, sport lots of sunscreen and hit up the Cars 2 movie. God Bless! Sorry for the silly pictures. There is NO CHANCE in me posting my big behind. It might shut down blogger with too many pixels or something.